install icon

WebCalendar Install

Install Steps

  • X Welcome / Status
  • - Authentication   <---
  • - PHP Settings
  • - Application Settings
  • - Database Configuration
  • - Create Database
  • - Create/Update Tables
  • - Create Admin User
  • - Completion

System Status

Settings storage: includes/settings.php
Database connection: Unknown
Number of admin users: 0
WebCalendar version (installer): v1.9.12
WebCalendar version (database): Unknown
PHP version: Not supported (7.1.16)


If your installation is accessible to anyone untrusted, you should secure the installation pages by restricting access. The easiest way to do this is by providing a passphrase.

Once the installation is complete, you will need not this passphrase again until you want to upgrade your installation. Please take note of your password because there is no way to recover it.