# See translations/English-US.txt for instructions. # # Translations by Peter Valach (pvalach@gmx.net) # Last update: 2003/10/29 # 'borrowed' from SourceForge project 'The Coolest DHTML Calendar', # http://sourceforge.net/projects/jscalendar/ # # Translation last updated on 11-27-2023 ################################################################################ # DO NOT "TRANSLATE" THIS SECTION # ################################################################################ # A lone equal sign "=" to the right of the colon, such as "Ok: =", # indicates that the "translation" is identical to the English text. # Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page). charset: UTF-8 # "direction" need only be changed if using a right to left language. # Options are: ltr (left to right, default) or rtl (right to left). direction: = # In the date formats, change only the format of the terms. # For example in German.txt the proper "translation" would be # __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: __dd__. __month__ __yyyy__ # Select elements for date specification. # ex)2008-10-13 # __yyyy__ ... 2008, __mm__ ... 10, __month__ ... October, __dd__ ... 13 __mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__: = __month__ __dd__: = __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: = __month__ __yyyy__: = ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ######################################## # Page: edit_entry.php # Date: dátum ######################################## # Page: access.php # Calendar: kalendári ######################################## # Page: edit_report.php # Today: Dnes Next month: Nasl. mesiac Next year: Nasl. rok ######################################## # Page: includes/date_formats.php # Dec: = ######################################## # Page: includes/functions.php # WK: týž January: Január February: Február March: Marec April: Apríl May_: Máj June: Jún July: Júl August: = September: = October: Október November: = Jan: = Feb: = Mar: = Apr: = May: Máj Jun: Jún Jul: Júl Aug: = Sep: = Oct: Okt Nov: = Sunday: Nedeľa Monday: Pondelok Tuesday: Utorok Wednesday: Streda Thursday: Štvrtok Friday: Piatok Saturday: Sobota Sun: Ned Mon: Pon Tue: Uto Wed: Str Thu: Štv Fri: Pia Sat: Sob