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The following is a sample confirmation email. Note the last sentence in the second paragraph
where the subscriber gives permission for the use of the subscriber's name in contest notifications. Of course,
you will need to modify the content of the email to clearly identify your facility's name and location.
The following is a sample consolation email template. The item to note in this email is the feedblock that is currently selected in the image. This feedblock is how the winner's name(s) are made available to be used in this email template. The only thing you need to do to use this feedblock in your facility is to change the facility identification number that appears in the feedblock to the one that appears on your copy of the You're a Winner! client software.
In this image the facility identification number is FN87-YLRQR-8ISZ-MK77S-OJSJ and if we assume that
the identification number at your facility is AAAA-BBBBB-CCCC-DDDDD-EEEE then you would change the feedblock text to:
You can retrieve your facility identification number from the first page of the system configuration.
The following is a sample winner email template. In this template the fields *|FNAME|* and *|LNAME|* will be replaced by the first and last name of the winner to whom this email is being sent.
The terms and conditions you set are entirely up to you.
The following is a sample anniversary reminder email template. In this template the field *|ANNI|*
will be replaced by the month and day of the anniversary of the subscriber to whom this email is being sent.
The following is a sample birthday email template. In this template the field *|DOB|*
will be replaced by the month and day of the subscriber's birthday to whom this email is being sent.